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Ten million is improbable, but not necessarily impossible. However we are talking about all of the planets aligning properly, and the price reaching the kind of paramount importance that the author believes it will. Honestly at that level of importance Microsoft will have killed Sony off by the end of the holiday season.

I hate to apply logic to the way that Sony has done things with their newest console. However I think even in that deluded world if the 360 starts to trounce the PS3 by four, five, or six to one. Well I think Sony might at least panic, or concede. In either case no matter how much they would lose they would slash the prices. Even if it was just a clearance on a line before they discontinue production. Just so they would not be left with assets they cannot sell taking up space in a warehouse.

I just do not think the competition would take it lightly, and Microsoft would need for the response to go unnoticed by consumers. I suppose the competition could respond irrationally they have done so in the past, but that would just be shocking.

Selling nine million in Japan well within the real of reality that is just plain impossible. There is no way especially in this current climate for that nations console market to more then double.