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Be it a movie, a TV show or a game, the background score, for me is an important part of the experience. If used intelligently, it can add to the tension(horror), or get the blood pumping(action) , heighten the emotions(Drama) etc etc.

So what are your favorite background scores?

1) Rurouni Kenshin OVA: Trust and Betrayal: Anyone who has seen this knows why it comes out on the top for me. It has an overwhelmingly epic feel to it, far surpassing anything else done in anime, and remains my favorite over the years.

2) The Good , the bad and the Ugly/For a few dollars more: Ennio morricone is my favorite movie composer, and the legendary scores hes produced in these movies are instantly recognisable about 40 years later.

3) The Godfather: Nino Rotas score for the movie remains one of the best movie scores till date, has a quality i really am at aloss to put in words, but im sure you understand why it makes the list.

4) The Legend of Zelda LTTP: Koji Kondo has created some of the best music for games, and this might just be the crowning jewel. Special mention of the overworld theme, which really gets you pumped up and ready for the adventure

"The accumulated filth of all their sex and murders will foam up about their waist and all the whores and politicians will look up and shout "Save us!"...

 ....and I'll look down and whisper  "no."  

                                                                   - Rorschach