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So, there are a lot of people that give WW highest praise. I must say, I do not understand why, and I need some enlightening (or beating).

For me, this was the first Zelda game that truly disappointed.

The one thing it had going for it was the graphics; it was beautiful and seemless. Also, the combat was decent.

However, gripes:

- Having to change the direction of the wind a lot of the time became tedious (even though you can effectively head 3 directions with one direction of the wind.)

- Very simplistic dungeons. It was mainly kill all the enemies in the room to progress forward. nothing interesting.

- finding spoils......must I read the literature everytime I pick one up (the manyyyy times)?? Why can't i just skip through the text?

- Many small islands are, to me, just capping out on making a sprawling adventure. There were just a few islands that had any kind of size whatsoever, but the majority of the game are just these little rocks where u just do one lil task. I know it's the SEA but after making me sail for some fairly long periods i want to be rewarded a bit better than that.

- Pictures. Come on, it is an extremely tedious task to take a pic of everything in the game to get all the statues. This made me give up this game forever.

- Wasted space. Many parts of this game are just there for traversing and serve no other purpose. I do enough traversing in the waters. With the little land you have, please hold my interest by doing something more with it instead of just walking from here to there.

- Enemies knocked to the ground. It's just another waste of time. Many time i just have to beat one enemy and move on, but then I hit it once, and it falls. I will now have to stare and wait till it gets up before i finish it off.


You know, individually these problems are not that bad but they have all culminated to a slighty uglier head.

Don't get me wrong this was a good game but I can see almost all Zelda games being better, some by a very wide margin.

Why is this game, in your opinion, the best Zelda yet? If you say graphics only, and you are a nintendo 'fan' or 'fanboy' or whatever, then umm, you know, the word hypocrite comes to mind.