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Squilliam said:
JaggedSac said:
Grahamhsu said:
Preview group?! I want to join as well, I am looking foward to NXE especially for the hard disc install.


Major Nelson outlined the method for getting into the group this weekend.  I sent my application in on Saturday night I think and then shortly afterwards they stopped taking applications.  Wed. they will be e-mailing whether or not I got in and then they will give a code for the full NXE.

I consider myself to be a very avid gamer and I care not for the full install option.  I don't care too much about load times and I could care even less about the noise the 360 generates.  I care more about the party system, XNA launching, NetFlix, and the increased functionality in the Live API's for retail developers and arcade developers to utilize.

But if you're an avid gamer who plays a little too much Halo 3 with 7 GB to spare on his hard disk, why not install it?


LOL.  I guess I would probably do that, but I have an original box with 20 GB.  And not much of that is left since I gobble up arcade titles.  I refuse to pay the exorbitant prices that they sell those hard drives for.