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Trestes - I'd love to know how I'm being biased when I'm still proving a point I see as being valid.

The Wii is doing phenomenally. Just not with 3rd party sales. That's what I see. Attack me all you want, but that's what I see.

I guess we *can* wait another year or two to see how 3rd parties do, but we've been playing that "wait for a good 3rd party game" for 2 years now. How much longer do we need to wait? We've already seen critical success with Guitar Hero 3, Carnival Games, and the Resident Evil series - but all thanks to Western sales, which is my point. Japan has been non-existent in terms of moving 3rd party games. The West has been entirely different, where we've seen multiple million sellers. How can you debate that point? GH3 has sold 3m+ copies in the US for the Wii, yet in Japan nothing is even at 500k yet. Shouldn't that speak volumes as to how the market is for the Wii in Japan?

Back from the dead, I'm afraid.