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trestres said:
Can you tell me how many decent core games did third party devs released so far that got properly advertised? Casuals care much less about quality, therefore if you want a good 3 rd party core game to sell, it should be of a high quality and be advertised. And why shouldn't 1st party core games count? Your excuses are ridiculous. Nintendo games sell great because they are great, most 3rd party games so far are just bad.

Mrstickball, you really aren't behaving like someone with your position should. People can tell how much you hate anything that's not MS but you need to have a limit.


And there we are, back to the same excuse as Soriku :

"3rd parties Wii games sell poorly because of bad advertising."


Do you have any proof/fact/information about the level of advertising those games got compared to previous iteration of the game last gen ? Or are you just making this up too?

Or are you comparing to the best advertised HD consoles games ( which by the way are getting a lot more advertising this gen than last gen, I don't think GTA3 or MGS3 were advertised as much as GTA4 and MGS4).


PS : Ever come to your mind that the reason you do not see so much advertising for 3rd parties games on TV is that TV is a visual media and showing up graphics of a Wii game isn't really the best way to advertise it ? ( esp if the next commercial is about MGS4, DeadSpace, Re2 or any other game ..)

PS2 : It's pretty obvious from watching HD software commercials that Microsoft and Sony are helping those companies to advertise too, what is Nintendo doing ?


PS3-Xbox360 gap : 1.5 millions and going up in PS3 favor !

PS3-Wii gap : 20 millions and going down !