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Kasz216 said:
Articles to back up reading

The biofuel increase can be found on Obamas website in his energy platform document.

The arguement is that the current US and EU polcies contribute between 33% and 10% of the current problem.

That would be rather 33 Million are starving because of it or 10 million. Further increases in price are expected if the mandates are kept.

More people will starve even if ethanol subsidies are just kept in place... if they get explosivly increased like Obama wants...

There will be a lot of hunger pains felt around the world. I keep hoping someone would challenge him on it. Yet nobody does, and nobody cares because people here are inconvienced by the economic troubles.


It CAN be a problem, but it is not just related to US policies on bio fuel. If the discussion is about converting american corn into ethanol, then fine, no greater harm done. With a funcional global framework on food chains and food production it can actually work out pretty well. A lot of countries in africa are having a bad agricultural output because of the (yes, I'm being a bit economically liberal here) lack of incitement to grow crops, because imports are destroying the domestic as well as the export markets.

Beware, I live!
I am Sinistar!
Beware, coward!
I hunger!



 At least 62 million Wii sold by the end of 09 or my mario avatar will get sad