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Can happen, but probabl won't. Most technitians get off on higher tech. Even Nintendos people need to have their leashes on them.

Easy to use, intuitive. Easy input. Excellent battery life. Cheaper, but packs a tech punch. Launch software needs to appeal to a wide market. Should have some support outside of games, even if it's not the focus. Marketing to eveyone and not niche consumers. If these aren't met, then the Nintendo won't be toppled unless Nintendo stops following this guideline. This is not an assumption, but standard market behaviour.

PSP won't pass DS becuase the input will never be fully accepted by the masses for a game machine. The biggest flaw on the PSP is the UMD. If they got rid of UMD and changed the screen to touch. This would make it easier to use, cut costs and increase battery life. Package with some excellent user software that masses want to use. Then The PSP could really boosts sales. So who knows maybe in an itteration or 2.

Squilliam: On Vgcharts its a commonly accepted practice to twist the bounds of plausibility in order to support your argument or agenda so I think its pretty cool that this gives me the precedent to say whatever I damn well please.