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For the PS3 to outsell the 360 by two million:

The PS3 should sell a 250,000 every week, starting November, BUT, with the 360 selling zero.

Is not that the 360 will stop selling, specially with all the bundles with free games and the price cut.

The PS3 is selling an average for 150,000 every week worlwide. Let's say that thanks to the bundles or LBP the sales increase by lets say 3 more times, and that the 360 just increase to 300,000 (not even two more times). That's 450k every week for the PS3 and 300k for the 360.

450k x 8 weeks: 3,600,000

300k x 8 weeks: 2,400,000

That's a difference of 1,200,000.

And is one good sceneario for the PS3. You guy are hoping a lot for LBP, but I really don't think it will do wonders for the PS3.