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For those that already saw the PS360 review, why do you think there is such a huge difference it can't be just because of Mii integration and Mii Freestyle.

7.0 Presentation
World Tour's overall design isn't as strong as it could be. The newer "band" elements all feel a bit tacked on, with character creation, band options, and on-screen interface. Needs work.
7.0 Graphics
Still PS2-like overall. No major change from Guitar Hero III visually. Some frame issues with four players.
8.0 Sound
There's some great music in here (both live and recorded tracks), but we could use more crowd and bass/drums audio next time around. Over 80 tracks is a huge achievement on Wii.
8.5 Gameplay
The hardware rocks, drum parts are fun, the game is harder than Rock Band overall, tons of modes, online, and intuitive connectivity for Wii users. Music creator could be more intuitive.
9.5 Lasting Appeal
You've got online, a full music-creation community, an exclusive Mii Freestyle mode, automatic SD card transfer for a true DLC experience, and a massive amount of modes. This is a huge package.
(out of 10 / not an average)