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The beauty of co-op is that the game rewards you for teamwork. The Special Ops get experience for giving soldiers ammo, the soldiers with ammo protect you (with their shield), and the medics get experience for healing. In fact, you get more experience for healing than you do hitting the enemies, but you have to hit the enemies to charge up heals. It really works beautifully.

The upgrades for medic include a berserk that causes enemies to paralyze when hit, and since the medic weapon hits with an area of effect, you can quickly freeze large groups of enemies for everyone to hit. It also does damage over time so medics can kill a lot of enemies at once with that. Doing damage and healing charges your berserk, so to get another one you can just hit everyone and when the berserk runs out you'll charge it back up quickly since you are still doing damage to them over time.

Anyone know if you get to keep any stats for the full game? I was #1 on co-op for a few days before they reset the leaderboard, but I'd like to at least keep my levels since I've got 2 classes to level 10.