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1st day: 75.000
1st week: 100.000
1st month: 150.000
Lifetime: 175.000

To me WKC looks like an MMO pretending to be a traditional JRPG, and MMO's have so far been fairly unpopular in Japan. Reportedly the game recieved a mixed reception at TGS. According to Edge Magazine the announcer had to remind the audience that the game did support single player (as well as online multiplayer) several times during the presentation. The fact that Sony chose to demo a near finished game with a video rather than a playable demo is not a good sign.

Also the art style seems to lean slightly towards WRPG's such as Fable, rather than the traditional anime art style that Japan favours. I suspect WKC is aimed primarily at western markets.

I hope the game turns out well, and I hope it sells well. But I think most people here have completely unrealistic expectations. Level 5's biggest hit on their own so far is Rogue Galaxy, which sold 350.000 on a 10x bigger user base. The best selling PS3 JRPG so far is Valkyria Chronicles (made by Sega's popular Sakura Taisen team), which according to Famitsu only sold 139.000.

I think 175K lifetime is a reasonable estimate. That will make it Level 5's biggest hit so far (considering the size of the user base), and it will make it the biggest selling RPG on the PS3 so far.