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There are a lot of games being hacked.This a decreasing the profit margin of the developer.The hacking on the PC can't be stopped at the moment and because of that Ubisoft and Epic games recently announced that they will not be making any more games on PC.Console hacking is another issue,both X360 and Wii have been hacked and you can just download games of the internet and play them.A big tittle such as Fallout 3 has been out on the internet 3 weeks before its launch for X360.Last comes the PS3 which has the best hardware specs of the current gen consoles has been able avoid hacking of its games and as a result the profits of the developers on this platform are high.Hacking can do a serious damage to your system sales as it happened for PSP where it got hacked and now very few developers make games for it.There is an upside that in all the platforms if you wanna play online,you have to have the original game.

Gamers of all platforms except PS3 for which the games have not been hacked yet,how many of you buy original games and how many of you just buy the pirated or download it of the internet.