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If I person wants to get an idea of the popularity between the two running for President (Well, the main two) just look at the numbers that come to the rallies.

Obama has drawn 100k+ to denver today, not to mention 100k in St. Louis recently and 75k in Kansas City. Sadly, I wasn't able to attend the last of those because of prior committments, but it shows the popularity of the presidents when you see these huge numbers. Many know that this will be a historical election here in the US, and the support for Obama is quite amazing. Just to compare those numbers to McCain. IN Denver on Friday, McCain brought just 4,000 people to the rally. And John Elway and John Lynch, who are heroes to many in Denver were right beside mcCain. Obama drew more then 96k+ then McCain did just a couple days later.

St. Louis, McCain had an attendance of I believe 2500, and 6000 in a KC suburb. Far cries from the size of the crowds that Obama brought. This, is a red state, and bordered on the west by a VERY red state. However, Obama is leading the polling here. In this state that are many racists and bigots around, but its an odd thing to hear a redneck say "I'm voting for the N_____". I hate that they use that word, and think it's fine, but at least they are voting for a man that is better for our future.


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My pokemon brings all the nerds to the yard. And they're like, "You wanna trade cards?" Damn right, I wanna trade cards. I'll trade this, but not my charizard.