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trestres said:
PSP games announced for a future release: KH:BBS, Dissida FF, Agito FFXIII and Parasite Eve 3.

DS games announced: FF: Chocobo's Tales 2, FF: Chocobos Dungeon DS, Chronno Trigger, Valkyre Profile DS, DQVI, DQIX, KH: 358/2 Days, FFCC: EoT, Pingu.

PS3 games announced: FFXIII, FFvsXIII, The Last Remnant.

360 games announced: FFXIII, Star Ocean 4, The Last Remnant.

Wii games announced: FFCC:EoT (DS port) and FFCC:CB a game that has been on halt for a long time and that is rumoured to be cancelled (no info for more than a whole year).

Conclusion: SE doesn't hate the PS3 since it's giving it 3 HUGE games, with probably Star Ocean 4 also arriving. SE hates the Wii if any console.

Never thought of it that way before, but still...