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Here we are - simply guess which games these songs belong to (Round 5):
(Round closed)

Or you can DL the Mp3 on Mediafire or Rapidshare.

Sorry if the quality is a bit crummy.

Rules: You have to guess which games do these 10 clips in the MP3 come from. Every clip is exactly 30 seconds long. 1 point for every correct guess, 0.5 point for guessing the series but not the game. No points are deducted for guessing wrong.

Send your guesses in a PM to me. I will post a score league table every time I get a PM. Don't spoil it. Results for all rounds will be collated here.

Some hints:

I didn't go too far back as I know some people here are young, so the oldest game is from 95'. Newest is from 05'.
All songs can be found on home consoles / PC's. I'm told at least one of the songs also shows up on handhelds.


Finished rounds posted below:

Round 1 by zexen_lowe

Round 2 by Soleron

Round 3 by Cactus

Round 4 by zexen_lowe


Current round:

noname2200 - 7
ClaudeLv250 - 6
SHMUPGurus - 5
Johnny B - 4
Mirson - 3
TheSwordUser - 2.5
SuperMario1 - 2
Phoenix_Wiight - 2
zexen_lowe - 2
Tremble - 2
Cactus - 1.5
elprincipe - 1.5

Number of times songs were correctly guessed:

#1...... 1
#2...... 8 (2 series guesses)
#3...... 0
#4...... 6
#5...... 8
#6...... 4.5 (1 series guess)
#7...... 2
#8...... 1
#9...... 5.5 (1 series guess)
#10..... 2.5 (1 series guess)

Feel free to guess only the ones you know, and tell me you'll submit more later so I don't send you the answers. Round ends around Wed 7am EST (or 12pm GMT). (Round closed)