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   Anyone else excited for Animal Crossing?! Mann I played the DS version for months after it came out. Still go back to it every now and then. The multiplayer aspect really appealed to me; and now its gonna be even more intense on the Wii.

   I mean theres so many good games out for all the other major consoles (Own them all) but I honestly dont touch my x360 and PS3 all that much.  The Wii has been more appealling for me. I mean all the big games and Fable,Gears2, Little Big Planet, Fallout, and all the other big mainstream stuff but i can honestly say i've invested the most time in this series per game.  Its even gonna be bundled with WiiSpeak. I gotta get that at launch.  Leaving for School next month anyway so thats a major way were all gonna keep in touch.hah


let me know if you wanna hang in my town ;D