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Updated this thread with the News that Red Baron Was Released unexpectedly Today on PSN.


Playable Content



Here is the link to the article they made the morning I sent them a WTF E-mail about Red Baron




The Old Thread:


Ok I think I let enough time pass by with out word of what happened to this game...

Every site I read about the game stated Sept. 18th as the release date, now it's nowhere to be seen. even got to play a bit of it, they said it wasn't up to the PSN HD of games, but was still fun.

Now I know there aren't that many people that are into WW1 Dog Fighting with biplanes (heterosexual planes.. pun!)

But when I think of Dog Fighting I think of the Original Biplane action (resist, resist,) dog fights.

I've been waiting for this game ever sense I heard it was coming to the PSN, ya I could get the PC version but... bah, I need a new PSN game and this was my ticket.


Shacknews Talks about the Release Date and has Video here. talks about the games release here talks about playing the game here


The thing that gets me is the lack of info this game has received, after it was set to come out I mean.

Like I said above I know allot of people aren't into this type of game, but there are people that are, including myself.

Some of this little rant is mainly for sites like that talk about a games release, talk about how they played it, and what it was like, but when the game doesn't arrive, not one word on why.

The other part of my rant is about PSN, offering Video of the game on PSN and then not talking about it again.

Sept. 18, was when the game was supposed to come out, and here we are at the end of Oct.

Now I'm hoping, (hoping) Sierra or Sony decided the game needed a little HD Upgrade, but even if that was the case give us a little INFO on what the DL is.



Thats it, I just had to get that off my chest.


PS4 Preordered - 06/11/2013 @09:30am

XBox One Preordered - 06/19/2013 @07:57pm

"I don't trust #XboxOne & #Kinect 2.0, it's always connected" as you tweet from your smartphone - irony 0_o