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StarcraftManiac said:
Kasz216 said:
Articles to back up reading

The biofuel increase can be found on Obamas website in his energy platform document.

The arguement is that the current US and EU polcies contribute between 33% and 10% of the current problem.

That would be rather 33 Million are starving because of it or 10 million. Further increases in price are expected if the mandates are kept.

More people will starve even if ethanol subsidies are just kept in place... if they get explosivly increased like Obama wants...

There will be a lot of hunger pains felt around the world. I keep hoping someone would challenge him on it. Yet nobody does, and nobody cares because people here are inconvienced by the economic troubles.

What Obama is trying to do with Biofuels could be harmfull! However, it also couldn't! Atleast, the way the US is going right now ain't good! And drilling for more oil like Palin and McCain suggest ain't a good option either!

Keep developing Biofuels is an option that has to be looked at! I actually wrote an essay on how bad biofuels COULD be when used wrong a few years back. Especially for rainforests and people that already life beneath the basic living standards in poor countries. However! There are a few easy solutions to that;

Algees (I don't know if I write it correct in English like this) are a great option if you keep them in a sack like this:

You don't have to cut down forests and don't use up really viable croplands in order to 'sow' energy! Above this, it's energy output is WAY bigger then it's input! National Geographic research even estimates an input:output-ratio of 1:250, this is because it

1: Doesn't take a lot of room and you don't need to cut forests.

2: Don't cut forests and use fotosynthetics (Again, don't know if it's called like this in English) in order to produce more Oxygen.

3: Uses solar energy to grow and you only need to tap the energy, producing an energy input:output ratio averaging at 1:250...


If Obama's plan is to Increase fundings by 3 times and using these kinds of ways to improve biofuels I agree with him! If the other way, then not! But Biofuels can be done like this and it has no negative side-effects! It's good for oxygen levels. It saves forests. It saves people's lives. It's a solution to petrol and gas.

I don't think you've read his plan throughly.  He wants to increase corn based ethanol times 3.  This will kill people.  It already is killing people.

He wants even more money for development of other biofuels.  However that isn't the particular problem.

Obama is in the pocket of Corn based ethanol and always has.