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Khuutra said:
SHMUPGurus said:
Khuutra said:
SHMUPGurus said:

It saddens me to read a few posts in here... Really. I feel bad for humanity.

With that said, the game isn't made for any fanboy, it's made for fans of the Metal Gear series. It's the conclusion of the story of a hero that lived for a few generations of video gaming.

It is Kojima's culmination of years of developing the series, and its peak. Let me just say this: It shows. The game deserves way more than a 10 in my book.


Do you even know what a ten is supposed to signify.

I believe I do, but if there are some mysterious significations to it, please feel free to share them with me. Seriously...?



A 10 means "this game is as good as can be", or "this game is rated as highly as possible". You cannot go over ten. It's like trying to give something a grade of over a potential 100% - it's possible, but completely arbitrary and meaningless.

There is no score over 10 on the 1-10 scale because it goes from one to ten, ten being the best, and you can't be better than the best.


You are wrong in obstinately calling MGS games 'interactive movies' and you are wrong on what a 10 at IGN means. 

From IGN themselves, in the GTAIV review:

"A "10" is not a score we give out very often. In fact, the last time we gave a 10 to a console game was Soul Calibur in 1999. A 10 doesn't mean a game is perfect -- it means a game is pushing boundaries, expanding a genre, and doing many things to a level so far above and beyond its competitors that they overshadows any flaws. Certainly, GTA IV has some issues, the most noticeable being the occasional flaw in the cover system, but there are many more pieces of GTA IV that are better than anything I've seen from a game in the past decade. We don't give 10s often -- just to games that merit the score."

For further proof consider that there are differences among console versions hidden within that 10 score:

"For those wanting to know which version looks better, the edge goes to the PS3. The textures and framerate are comparable, but the PS3 has far less pop-in. The 360 has richer colors, but the PS3 has better anti-aliasing making it look a little cleaner. Because GTA IV can preload onto the PS3 hard drive, the in-game loads are faster. Don't worry Xbox owners, the load times are rarely more than 30 seconds and don't occur very often. The slight visual edge goes to PS3, but the 360 is no slouch. Either version will do you proud."