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MontanaHatchet said:
Kasz216 said:
If you did the same in Africa.... i'd imaginge you'd find most people supporting McCain.

It's all a matter of what president would best serve the interests of their countries... not the US.

I wonder who the head of the UN supports.

On the one hand, he hates republican US military polcies.

However on the other hand, the number one issue the UN has right now is the Global Food Crisis and Obama is set to make the Global Food Crisis catastrophically worse.

You keep on saying this. Your theory has attracted my curiosity. Please explain.

The UN has stated that Biofuels are one of the leading causes of the global food crisis.  Specifially the biofuel programs of the US and EU.  It has called on a 5 year moratorium at least... to help get the food crisis under control.

They even called biofuels a "Criminal path" and a "Crime against humanity."

The US biofuel program is 2-3 times larger then the EU's at least.

Barak Obama plans to expand this program by 3 times it's current size.

vs McCain who wants to shut down the subsidiaries... which would go in line with the UN's plan to stop the global food crisis.

Tens of millions will be pushed to starvation because of it.