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Kasz216 said:
NJ5 said:
So behind all that optimism, do you think McCain is kicking himself for choosing Palin?

He was kicking himself for it before he even announced her i imagine.


He wanted Liberman... everyone else in the campaign wanted Romney.

She was a "Compromise" pick.

One of the few people who was really conservative in social values... yet also anti-corruption. (For Alaska standards anyway.  She's living it up there still, but a lot less then previous govoners and standing up to oil companies for once.)

The farther right, or left you go... the more corrupt the polticians tend to be.

He shoulda went with his first insticts and just hope the right wingers come out and vote. 

Though Obama was making serious inroads with evangelicals by promising them a lot more money via faith based spending and his use of religious buzz words... so McCain felt pressured.



As much as people are likely going to blame Palin if McCain loses, she really is not that big of a problem ...

John McCain was still very competitive with Barack Obama through all the bumps that were from announcing Sarah Palin, his campaign really ran into trouble when the credit markets froze up and the government announced a massive bail-out. John McCain tried to use the crisis for political gain and handled the situation 100% wrong ... Rather than bailing out banks and creating one of the most pork filled bills in American History, he should have stood up and said "No"