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Paul_Warren said:

"If you go to gamerankings Uncharted is no longer at 90%. So that's not AAA exclusive?"

A little misleading info here. IGN gave Uncharted a 9.1, they only gave Fable 2 an 88; and IGN has long been the best game site on the web. And if that wasn't enough to make Uncharted a AAA game, then a review score of 10 in Dave Halverson (the greatest American video game magazine editor / journalist to ever live)'s Play Magazine (Direct Descendant of the Greatest American Video Game Magazine of All Time Dave Halverson's DieHard Gamefan) certainly is.

Uncharted's zombies... Any relation to you?

"Regarding many of the “reviews” on Sega’s Golden Axe: Beast Rider: Be wary. The majority of these people (can’t call them critics) either didn’t complete a fraction of the game, don’t understand game design, or just plain suck at games."

"But to score Beast Rider below a 7 is just irresponsible. These are not valid “opinions” of professional gamers. It’s painfully obvious these people have at best grazed the surface of the overall game which by action gaming standards is anything but short. Avoid critic sites like the plague."

Metacritic. 42

Thats how Awesome ol' Dave is.

IGN => Your heroes gave it a 32% score.


