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You know the enthusiast gaming community can bitch and whine all they want. Where were they last generation for Nintendo? Oh wait... they weren't. They ignored the Gamecube almost completely.

The only reason they are complaining to Nintendo this time is because Nintendo is the outright leader this time and it frightens them that the Wii can dominate the market without any games that they would consider 'essential'.

The marketplace is MUCH bigger than the fanboys who comment on IGN. Most Wii owners will never even know what IGN is. So why should Nintendo care what this small group thinks? Let's face it, whenever a big title is on all platforms that crowd buys it for the 360/PS3 anyway. So why even bother trying to please them?

As for true core Nintendo fans, Punch Out, Animal Crossing, Sin & Punishment and news of Pikmin and other games IS great support.

If Nintendo has found success (great success) appealing to people other than the game enthusiast crowd then good for them. Why complain? That's like PC game players whining to companies making laptops and mid to low end PCs that they lack powerful graphics card and it's hurting their games industry. But they don't because they at least realize they are a minority of PC users and the majority just don't need/want the expense of high end graphics.

It's about time the 'hardcore' accept they are only a small part of the games industry and let Nintendo do what it's doing without bitching about every game that gets made that they don't like. The facts are clear. The majority likes them and money talks so let the BS walk.

Rant over.