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Okay in the last two weeks there has been too much fighting between the 360 and PS3 camps. It is getting boring. Can we go back to the days of HD consoles camp versus Wii camp? All this arguing over who is going to finish last is silly.

OT to all those going on and on about the price of the 360. I was seriously considering getting a 360 this weekend. I'm not really interested in any game on the 360 apart from Pro Evo but thought well for months I have been hearing on VGCharts how cheap the 360 is and the money won't make that much of a difference to my pockets. I also heard there were Pro Evo bundles. So I went to a few stores that sell consoles. It had to be an elite of course due to the HDMI and hard drive size so could dump all my music on it and use it as a media centre. Well the elite was £220. My router is upstairs while my gadgets are downstairs. So I would need the 360 wireless adapter for about £50 bringing the price to £270. But wait!!! I can get an 80gb PS3 for £280 and that has a HD video player built in. So which is really cheaper.

What am I trying to say? Well you PS3 fans need to stop twisting the facts to fit your arguments. On the one hand you say if you get the arcade you need to buy this this and this making it more expensive than the PS3. But on the otherhand you always refer to the price of the arcade and say it costs less than half than the price of PS3 yet can barely outsell it. It is getting so annoying I am even more pissed off than starcraft despite the fact I could care less about 360.

Biggest Pikmin Fan on VGChartz I was chosen by default due to voting irregularities

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