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Hawkeye said:
Jordahn said:
Hawkeye said:
Jordahn said


Hard call. Either way, you'll get to play the PS2 games. The more I think about it, you are probably better off getting the PS3 BC MGS4 bundle. I say this because with a PS2, you still have to buy at least one memory card, PS2 component cables, maybe another controller, and maybe the option vertical stand. PS3 BC MGS4 bundle = $500 and then you need to buy an HDMI cable. PS3 80gb non-bc + PS2 = $500 and then you'll need to buy an HDMI cable (PS3), component cable (PS2), memory card, and maybe another PS2 controller when your PS3 controller can be used for both PS3 and PS2 games. Now I see why SONY dropped BC from the PS3.

Go get the PS3 BC MGS4 bundle now.

Other problem is I don't get my money for several weeks :S

Also, whats HDMI? IS that a cable for sound?



HDMI stands for High Definition Multimedia Interface. It's a step above component cables, accomodates both audio and video, and it gives you the highest bandwidth for 1080p 60 fps and HD sound. The ends of the cable look like a USB cable on steroids. HDMI cable could run you anywhere from $10 to $200.

EDIT: And about the money, it will be more expensive in the long run to buy a non-BC PS3 and then a PS2, but it's easier in the long run as well.  Pay more now to say more money or pay less now to end up paying for more later.  Whatever's best for you.

I will be playing games in 720P since 1080i sucks. Do I need to get HDMI cables? I use regular component cables for my 360. Should I get HDMI for my 360?



HDMI will always give you a more pure signal than component even in 720p. It should have a little more depth, but most people can't tell the difference.


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