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Competitive ----The 60 player team deathmatch is just OMFGGGGGG exciting and amazing. There is nothing more fun than that. I liked the stage of the train-metro where everything is a little conjusted and its really hectic, chaotic and fun . As for Skirmish San Franciso is a blast. The GFX are amazing in that stage

Competitive matches in Orick is also fun.

For competitive matches you get most fun when there are most amount of players in the game . Really really addictive


Co-operative ---is just as addictive as a crack if you have good team coordination in the BETA

There is just 1 stage to play in the BETA and just one MISSION. so ofcourse you can get tired playing the same mission and the same stage 20x but it is just for a testing purpose and hence it is called a BETA

If you have good team coordination then co-operative mode is a blast to play. Certain bosses take a lot of hit to be brough down but nevertheless it is fun as hell

My fav weapon in the game was Bullseye.However most people found marksman to be super un and the best weapon

my score for the BETA modes --10/10

my score for TEAM DEATHMATCH mode --20/10. yea it is that good when theres 60 players

GFX --great for a beta and if u have an HD tv SF stage looks stellar - 9/10

Gameplay ---10/10 hands down

There are just 1 stage for CO-op and 3 stages for competitive . But fun factor never goes down -- 10/10

The gameplay mechanic is totally different now. It feels a lot like UT3 + COD4 +R1 hybrid but ofcourse everything is fun as hell

Overall score for the BETA ---10/10