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I got in the beta via a random e-mail I received from the PlayStation Underground.  The theme thing is only for EU guys at the moment, and it's only to get into phase 3 of the beta. We're currently in phase 2, which has less than 2000 people, as far as I am aware.

As for what you're asking, that's all heavily NDA'd, so I can't say much. I will say the framerate is fine, the controls are extremely tight, and it just plays so much better than Resistance 2.

Of course, they are also two different styles of FPS. Resistance 2 is more UT-ish (falling around the Halo mark, I suppose), while Killzone 2 is a bit more like CoD4, but somewhat slower and more tactical.

The general consensus I've seen on forums like here and neogaf (start at post #531) is that Killzone is MUCH better than Resistance.