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Gamer4eva said:

From the recent sales figures, i think the 360 is doing ok but is doing poor when you look at how cheap it actually is.

In the US it starts from $199

In the UK it starts from £99 (Tesco and Sainsbury's)

etc, etc.

If we compare it to the PS3 this week, it outsold it by 20k, which i think is pretty poor. 

My point is, why is it selling so badly for it's price point?


That's retarded... that's like saying that the PS3 is doing ok considering that 12 months ago the system was nearly the next Sega Saturn.  Or that It's has 800 dollars worth of value to it... so it should be doing 2x what it's doing now.  What's so pethetic is that even if it's 20k more it's still 80-100k per month and it's not even reached it's saturation point yet.  Microsoft is at the point were they are trying to crack past that core user barrier that's probably sitting around the 25 million mark.  If this was the price of the console 10... maybe even just 5 million units ago I'd agree with you, but it's just not so anymore.  Both these systems are facing diffrent challenges right now and just making statements like that with no real thought behind it trivializes the matter.