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I think brand loyalty has a lot to do with it, Sony have a very good track record with the PS1 and PS2 so people immediately think the PS3 will be great as well. The 360 has not give itself a good name with the RROD and such so no matter how anyone looks as it, Sony are just sitting back and doing nothing while getting good sales while MS are doing everything they can yet the sales do not reflect how hard they are working.

Sony has so much more it will do with PS3 anyone with a brain can see why they are so cocky. WKC, FFXIII, Versus for Japan will wipe the floor with the 360, GT5 alone will give them full control over EU and NA will be a mix of games such as GOW 3, Killzone 2 etc. Add on a price cut, no matter when it happens it will happen and Sony are laughing.