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Because sports games are annaul events.... No one cares about Madden 07 when Madden 08 comes out and so on.

17 sports games IS excessive and a lot of people might not care. If you DO care, then thats great, and I am letting you know that the majority of the PS2 log was sports games.

The PS2 had tons of RPGs but those actually vary a lot and aren't just annual games like Madden or NCAA football, which are mostly roster list updates.

Also, there aren't that many RPGs... so I don't know what you are talking about. In the triple A range, there is like 1 RPG? The most is platformers as 4 of them are platformers.

If I guess I have anything to say about the abundance of sports games is that the 360 list is a far more diverse list of games then the PS2s.

PS2 is a great system but in terms of quality software and diversity, its getting owned by the 360. In terms of sales, its getting owned by the Wii. The gaming industry is growing and I wouldn't be surprised as games get more mainstream, each generation will just out do the last.