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Hawkeye said:

Ok, I have found some new $500 BC PS3s, but now I am unsure if I should buy it or not. I have some time to decide as I don't get my money for a couple of weeks. I got a 360 pretty recently, and there are about 15 PSP, 3 Wii, and 10 Xbox 360 games that I still want to buy and play... BUT I won't be able to get a BC PS3 later and PS2 looks like crap if not upscaled for my HDTV. Should I take the plunge?

Stuff I currently own but havn't played/finished (and have an interest in finishing)

-Castle Crashers

-Banjo Kazooie XBL (pre-ordered)

-Banjo Kazooie Nuts and Bolts

-Tales of Vesperia

-Elder Scrolls: Oblvion

- Zelda: Twilight Princess (don't anticpated beating, but its a good game)

- Final Fantasty Tactics: The War of the Lions

- Jeanne D'arc

- Ape Escape: On the Loose


What I would buy for PS3 if I got it and had money left over to buy anyhting other than LBP and Dark Knight BD:

- Little Big Planet

- Valkryia Chronicles

- Disgaea 3

- Uncharted: Darkes Fortune

- Heavenly Sword

- Rachet and Clank Future: Tools of Destruction

-Simpsons BD

- Dark Knight BD

- Futurama Seaon 1 BD if there is such a thing

-about 35 PS2 games, inlcuding Rachet and Clank, Jak aqnd Daxter, Disgaea, Final Fantasy, Kingdom Hearts, MGS just becuse the $500 PS3 comes with MGS4 so might as well play the series, lots of other random games.


So is it worth buying? I was thinking of waiting and just not getting PS2 games, but since the Yen has fallen 10% in the last 2 days, I don't anticipated a price cut for PS3 until fall 2009.



 Bolded is enough reason to sell everything else just to come up with the money now.