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--OkeyDokey-- said:
I wish people would stop with this bull. All massively hyped games will move systems. Some more so than others, but still.

And being a sequel doesn't change that. That's like saying San Andreas and Halo 2 weren't system sellers.


They weren't.

Sand Andreas was released on a system that was selling extremely well long before that game was ever even thought of, and Halo 2 was released during the 2004 holiday season, after which Xbox sales returned to normal. Had Halo 2 or 3 been released in April or May, there probably would have been a one or two week spike in sales and then back to normal ala GTAIV or MGS4.

There are games that move hardware, but not in the way that people on gaming forums would like to think.



Consoles owned: Saturn, Dreamcast, PS1, PS2, PSP, DS, PS3