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finalsquall said:
robjoh said:
finalsquall said:
The Wii won't win... It doesn't appeal to everyone. The PS does... It always has. At the end of the day the ps3 will have casuals (downloadable Mini games, singstar, buzz etc), kids (new mmo, eye toy, singstar, kiddy games etc) medium players (platformers, racing cars games everyday games, sports) and Harcore - ff13,mgs, HS, Drakes,kz2,lair) etc etc etc

The wii appeals to casuals, hardcore and kiddies - no middle man.

xbox 360 - hardcore fps teens :(

This is only my opinion... not that it counts. I can't see Nintendo winning long term. maybe but numbers, but not by sheer desire to have one. Everyone know most ppl will have a Wii as a second console. I know I might for my daughter.

how do you think PS3 will win the casuals when the ratio of casual games released on the Wii is higher then PS3 and the price difference is huge?

medium player...

plattformers hmm no plattformers? The best 3D sonic for ages, Super Mario Galaxy, Super Paper Mario, Dewys.

racing, here I actualy agreed those racing games that exsist is very much asrcade, excite truck and nitrobike and that is more or less everything.

hardcore: Metroid, Battalion Wars, Fire Emblem. Not as much as the others but the games exsist.

A question how can you NOT win by numbers? Isn't that the whole idea about sales numbers. Sheer desire something that is depending on the person buying the product is it not? Well let us just say that I rather go with the numbers when I decide who won this gen.


Casual players = short term/every now and then. Casuals play games as a fad. Come on ppl you know what a casual gamer is. Tell me honestly! How many of these "Casual Players" will become core players? Not many! Casuals do not make up the bulk of the market for sales in consoles. If a casual buys a console. It will prolly be used for a few months then left there neglected. If that is the image the Wii wants then so be it.

A console needs to be versatile: It needs to first cater to the hardcore players as they are the foundation. Then core player who plays alot of the time, then the kids, and lastly the casuals. Casuals at the bottom... Why would you want the main audience to be casuals. Wow we can sell alot of consoles to ppl who only want to play our crap games for a few months. *Think Mcfly Think*

Over the past 10 yrs, Sony has proven they know the market. They made all types of games: eye toy, sing star, buzz,GH, jak and dexter, crash, ratchet and clank, GT, mgs, ff and more. It's variety. Also, how many ppl have a ps2. How many casuals play the ps2? How many casuals are still buying the ps2? More than the gc and n64 put together. Ppl stay with who they know and Trust (waits for snickers).

another thing I have realized. Selling the ps3 at a high price is brilliant. Ppl love to put down the price, but when the price comes down ppl are like wow I'm getting one... it's cheaper now! Why? because everyone wants the unaffordable. Ppl focus on the price, but once they can attain it they seems to want it (human nature to want the biggest and best :P).

So in essence ppl like the Wii because it is attainable,cheap and gimickly. Once ps3 comes down in price, then the wii will look more like a fad. BR will win HD wars and ppl will want a ps3 to watch BR. If you think BR is shit, then you have watched one on a hd tv. I hate dvd's now. I can't watch them. So therefore in my view ps3 will win and then the 360 and lastly the wii :(

Sorry for the verbal diarrhea.

The reason why Sony had succes with the PS1 is because they appealed to the casual gamers, they wanted to increase the market, and they had to attract the persons who didn't play videogames, just what does Nintendo actually.
And don't think that the people is so faithful to a brand name, if that would be the case the N64 would have been a great success.


I think you have to understand that the market is changing, what the people wanted yesterday is not what they'll want tomorrow, it was the case when Nintendo arrived in the market, and it was the same when Sony arrived too. The theory of cycles. The people doesn't like Wii, they adore it. It's just the beginning of a new way in videogames, and thus the beginning of a new request from the public, and Sony (and Microsoft) doesn't respond to this request.



(Excuse me for my english, I'm french and I try to make some efforts)