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 Kojima has one ability that's above all, and that is to objectively portray widely different characters driven by the most uncommon and extreme motivations. You simply can not put yourself in the shoes of those people, yet he manages to do it and he does it laughing. I find the writing Oscar worthy to the very last word.

He goes very deep into the phychology of a person who lost everything and acts like a kamikaze, a person which is willingly living the last hours of life, a person that sacrificed everything for another or a person that simply doesn't give a damn. It is written in an eastern fashion obviously, with heavy emphasys on exposition and melodrama and that's one reason why some feel overwhelmed by the story, but patience is a vitrue, and in this one the pay offs are immense. And there's another catch - you have to have experienced the previous story, otherwise you'll grasp maybe half of MGS4's at best.

Regardless, i have a word of advice for anyone that hasn't played it yet: go for it. You're in for a one of a kind ride as it is very likely this level of quality will never be achieved again in this medium.

"You have the right to the remains of a silent attorney"