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EvilChronos said:

Well u can think what u want, I however have always been pretty good at reading trends and predicting the sales and numbers of many things through my life so dont be suprised when my figures arent to far off
. Also I hope u understand that those are lifetime sells, u have to remember a lot of people hold off till the last quarter of a systems life cause its almost always less then half price for the system and a huge selection of games to boot...

Yes, and on the internet, every single person is entirely truthful about their life and we should always take what other people say about themselves on the internet as being completely true... hmmm.

Anyway, you're entitled to your opinion of course, but you can't honestly (without any bias towards sony) believe that this generation will sell 340 million home consoles when the last generation didn't even crack 200 million.

I know the Wii is making waves with casual gamers, but honestly, another 140 million+ more (overall)?

I won't throw my prediction's into the ring, but I'd say the difference between Sony and MS will be less than 10 million (either way)