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akuma587 said:
steven787 said:


Actually I forgot to mention another similarity and difference, the third parties today (Barr and Nader) are polled to be about as significant as the third parties in 48; however, there's only two major TP candidate and one pulls Dem votes and one pulls Rep votes.  All of those '48 candidates were left w/ variations (Dixiecrats were a mix with a State's rights (read: racist) platform.)

Indeed, the state's rights drum has often been one of ignorance, intolerance, and oppression.

Some states, like California, take it the complete opposite direction though.  I wish Texas was more like California...then it would even be legal to have certain amounts of marijuana, or it would just be a traffic ticket.



Notice, when a state wants to protect rights, the supreme court usually is in the favor of states rights.

I would cite regulation, but I know you will simply ignore it.