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My DS/Wii sales comparison is based on 46 million software units sold through as of Oct. 18th for the NDS this year. Compared to 70 million sold last year. Between the similar week last year, and the last week of 2007, the Japanese market, per VGC sold another 20 million units by the end of 2007. Which would put this years cume (if sales were similar), at 66 million software units on the year, or down a scant 5.8%. So your software = down claims are wrong based on actual figures.

You must have me confused with Zucas because I didn't say that the software was down.

Also, one should note that the Wii is already at 86.5% of 2007's software cume (if your fussy and want the numbers, thats 10.6 million units this year vs. 11.9 million for all of 07). So the software is moving more rapidly than last year. Yet the best-selling 3rd party game of 2008 is Tales of Symphonia 2, which is still under 250,000 units. Nintendo is certainly moving more software this year on the Wii....Why not 3rd parties?

You said it yourself. A Tales spinoff is the best seller because it's one of the more notable, worthwhile 3rd party games released on the Wii. I don't see the problem when Symphonia gaiden sells accordingly. What, you expected Tenchu to outsell it? Perhaps Soul Eater? Oh, maybe We Ski?

I didn't think so.

[quote]........So you think that a

Tag - "No trolling on my watch!"