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halogamer1989 said:

Yes, I agree with the bolded part but what will stop the world from switching to a Euro intl trading standard?  I am for everyone to have their own choices but make this out of wisdom and not popularity or race, I beg you.  A supermajority with an Obama led executive branch will bring about change that even some Dems do not want and a majority of the center right nation doesn't want either--nationalization of more and more organizations, the ceasing union secret ballot, etc.  I even see a one world currency to come out of this--whether you are a Christian or not, this is a radical depature from intl banking.  I urge you to read the following Wall Street Journal piece re this -

I agree with you on this--whomever wins--they will have a lot of shit to clean up...

It's obvious to see that you support McCain and Palin.   And the world would not change to that standard as long as we can keep our economy strong.  One thing that will help that is because the world economy relies on us being strong, therefore we will continue to be strong.. The current downcycle we have right now has shown the weakness throughout the world.  We go down, so does Europe and Asia.  For them to keep their wealth, we have to continue to be a power or someone will have to shine through and prove that their people are far more materialistic (I hate to admit it) then we are.  


While Europe has great countries, and a great tradition behind them, they need a strong US to really move forward in the world especially when the economy is involved.   The world is becoming more entertwined and we will continue to see more companies cross borders and own "foreign" companies.  (Us to Europe, and vice versa).

My Vote this November is for Obama.   He's not a socialist as McCain and Palin are quickly to call him, hoping for "fear" of the American people to switch their votes and get them into office.  If I were to consider them seriously, I would have to actually hear what they are selling to me.  Obama has spoken to me in my state (a swing state, Missouri) and have explained his platform and what he will do for me.  In my honest opinion, Obama will do more for this country as he's far more intelligent, and ready to be president then McCain.  We already had one president who some would "Like to have a beer with" and look where that got us?  Into a war we shouldn't have. An Economy in ruins.  And a loss of our personal freedoms.  Bless our friends in the UK, but I don't want that kind of Nanny state to control us, and i know Obama won't do that to his people.   I want a president who is at least as smart as me, if not smarter.... I dont' want someone who graduated 5th from teh bottom of his military class.  Give me the Harvard genius.  Give me the man who promises me true change, not just a stolen platform like McCain did.    I don't want a "Maverick" who has crshed 5 planes while in service of this country and got himself and others caught.


Union Secret ballots... I really could care less about.  I'm not in a union... I actualy work for the government to keep our Homeland Secure.. (You can figure out where rather easily).   Christian?  Well.. I was confirmed, but I'm not actively practicing.   As long as I'm a good person and treat my fellow man (YOu got that, not just american, but all people) great and like a good person, I'm living the life spelled out by the bible and many other biblical and spiritual books.


I don't see 1 world currency coming out of this in the end.   And definitely not by the end of Obama's 2nd term.


Sure, I'm confident he'll win.  Our future depends on obama winning.  Our Children's future depends on Obama winning.. The World depends on Obama winning this election.   Obama will be able to unite this world unlike any other leader of any other country has ever been able to do.

With the history of racism and bigotry in this country, if others see us electing a black man, who has been exposed to many religions, including Christianity, and Muslim religions, can possibly bring many of us together and hopefully a world that will resepct each other and bring peace all around the globe.

To this I say... GoBama!




Get your Portable ID!


My pokemon brings all the nerds to the yard. And they're like, "You wanna trade cards?" Damn right, I wanna trade cards. I'll trade this, but not my charizard.