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GoW 2 will have a bigger launch. But Animal Crossing has a couple of things going for it:
- its basically the "only" big Nintendo Wii title out this Xmas (depending how you view WiiMusic)

- it targets the casuals very well

- it is the first game to use WiiSpeak - meaning it could attract some hardcores


Hard to know where R2 fits into this. Its doubtful it will outsell GoW 2 (360 has a bigger, and more hardcore "shooter" base). But it could outsell Animal Crossing - in the short term anyway.

A lot depends on how AC does in Japan - if sales explode, and the Wii takes off with it - it could be enough for AC to top the other two this year. But if it doesn't... Ninty might actually be in for a rough Xmas (for the Wii anyway).

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