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akuma587 said:
Kasz216 said:
akuma587 said:
I don't know how some one could be a Log Cabin Republican...that's like saying you are a black person at a Ku Klan Meeting.

The Republican Party usually doesn't even let them have booths at their events, or give them any kind of recognition. They are treated like second class citizens BY THEIR OWN PARTY. Talk about gluttons for punishment. A healthy percentage of the people in your party think you are fundamentally evil. I really don't know how you can reconcile being gay and Republican...libertarian sure, but Republican?


I don't know how anybody could be gay and a democrat as well.  Democrats are also against gay marriage.

Gay people should really go libretarian.

I totally agree, but at least they are for civil unions.  And Democrats really are for gay marriage, they just have to lie about it because the evangelicals and Catholics they try to woo will shit themselves if the Democrats come out and say they are for it.  Its very ironic to me that the Democrats are for abortion and "against" gay marriage when gay marriage hurts less people than abortion does.  I blame the Religious Right.

Its a hole in the platform that is just kind of a fictional hole, but a hole nonetheless.


You blame the religious right that the democrats aren't brave enough to stand up for what they believe is right?

You'll blame everything on the religious right won't you.

I think it's more that the people who are for gay marriage but pretend not to be are cowards that don't deserve to be polticians.

Also, i may be wrong but i believe most people in the country are against gay marriage.  Not just the religious right.

Most also are against the government allowing or prohibiting gay marriage as well.

I'm guessing the trick there being that the majority (or at least a decent portion of people) believe marriage is between a man and a woman and the government has no say in that.