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ClaudeLv250 said:

You have no reasoning and you haven't backed anything with sales numbers. You've tossed around a couple of percentages and then started connecting dots that weren't there. I simply called you out on your BS. I mean this is a damn sales site, when you make sweeping generalizations based off of first day sales you're basically telling everyone that you're eager to fail.

And yet, you never did the math yourself to see my percentages were based on actuals. That tells me your arguing against something you never added up yourself.


My DS/Wii sales comparison is based on 46 million software units sold through as of Oct. 18th for the NDS this year. Compared to 70 million sold last year. Between the similar week last year, and the last week of 2007, the Japanese market, per VGC sold another 20 million units by the end of 2007. Which would put this years cume (if sales were similar), at 66 million software units on the year, or down a scant 5.8%. So your software = down claims are wrong based on actual figures.

Also, one should note that the Wii is already at 86.5% of 2007's software cume (if your fussy and want the numbers, thats 10.6 million units this year vs. 11.9 million for all of 07). So the software is moving more rapidly than last year. Yet the best-selling 3rd party game of 2008 is Tales of Symphonia 2, which is still under 250,000 units. Nintendo is certainly moving more software this year on the Wii....Why not 3rd parties?

And I fail to see how it's a 'broad generalization' when you take 100k+ sellers to draw a comparison between the NDS and the Wii. It's not like I took PS2 games from 2001-2 for comparison. I could of, easily, but we both know how that one ends up.

You want sales numbers? Tenchu Z on 360 sold 6k first week. First week. We've seen several 360 games pass 100k in Japan so its clearly not a software problem, and yet it only did 20k lifetime. From Software did not make a dime of profit from this game.

On the contrary, Tenchu 4 did 10k first day. It's basically poised to overtake the last Tenchu game's lifetime sales after being on shelves for only a few days. Clearly the Xbox 360 has a problem selling 3rd party software that's not an RPG.

........So you think that a <20k opening week on a system that has a user base 10 times the size of the X360 draws for a good comparison?



Back from the dead, I'm afraid.