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What about the other 12 3rd party titles that make up 13% of the market? That's not cherry picking, when your using a pretty wide-scoped test for 3rd party sales.

It's cherry picking considering that they're not wide scoped. I have yet to see a major seller come to the Wii and fail to sell. Dragon Quest outdid everyone in 2007. A Tales sidegame trashed the main game in sales. Tenchu has not sold in years. Now, if Samurai Warriors 3 does 10k first day we might have something to talk about, but obscure, crappy, or irrelevant games is hardly a "wide-scoped test" for 3rd party sales when the selection itself isn't even of the same nature.

Correct me if I'm wrong, but even Wii shovelware that's 3rd party, in virtually EVERY other region, does far better....Why not Japan? Even crap on a great system does well, and the Wii/DS have proved (as market leaders) that shovelware can sell.

The only platform capable of selling any type of shovelware in Japan right now is the DS and even then the shovelware is selling far less than its western equivalents. Another illogical comparison.

Then what kind of comparison can one draw then? It seems by your logic that Wii 3rd party sales being so bad can't be compared, because it may show the Wii to be a rather weak system in Japan, in terms of moving 3rd party games.

Maybe it is the fact that there is a dearth of core 3rd party titles. I agree they aren't there.

Maybe it's the fact that 7 million users don't buy 3rd party games (if that's the case, why are users everywhere else doing the exact opposite?)

At any rate, I'm trying to give sound reasoning based on previous trends using data. For everything your attacking me on, you've provided litterally no sales numbers. Not a single iota. Every single statement I've been making has been backed by actual sales numbers. If you want to play the game, why not use numbers? They don't lie.

You have no reasoning and you haven't backed anything with sales numbers. You've tossed around a couple of percentages and then started connecting dots that weren't there. I simply called you out on your BS. I mean this is a damn sales site, when you make sweeping generalizations based off of first day sales you're basically telling everyone that you're eager to fail.

You want sales numbers? Tenchu Z on 360 sold 6k first week. First week. We've seen several 360 games pass 100k in Japan so its clearly not a software problem, and yet it only did 20k lifetime. From Software did not make a dime of profit from this game.

On the contrary, Tenchu 4 did 10k first day. It's basically poised to overtake the last Tenchu game's lifetime sales after being on shelves for only a few days. Clearly the Xbox 360 has a problem selling 3rd party software that's not an RPG.

Tag - "No trolling on my watch!"