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Yeah, so I just discovered this yesterday thanks to my friend who I had over. He's a bit bigger a geek than myself (heck, he used to be a member of 4chan), so he tends to know some of the crazy stuff that I miss on sometimes.


Anyhow, yeah. It's called Goldeneye: Source, and it's a free download. You just have to legitimately own a Source-engine title (Half Life: Source, Counterstrike: Source, Half-Life 2, Portal, Left 4 Dead, whatever). As long as you have a Source-engine game legitimately installed on your PC, you're good to go.

It's essentially just the multiplayer mode of Goldeneye, now playable online, and in a much, much upgraded form factor. They're still in beta phase, and not all maps are available (nor all the characters), but it's wonderfully fun for those craving some nostalgia in upgraded form.

You can find everything you want about it here, at the Goldeneye Source Wiki (

I'm playing now, and loving it. ^_^

