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I think it's okay, but it's got some major problems. In particular, the forced tutorial and the whole grinding for unlockable stuff thing. What the hell is the deal with that? I thought Wii Music of all things would free me of ridiculous tasks like "grinding" to get other instruments... when Malstrom says tutorials & unlockables need to go, I really see what he's talking about here.

So, I would recommend against paying $50 for the game, unless you're sure it's something you're interested in. I just got tired of trying to unlock everything so I'm taking a break for now. It's probably a good game to take out and play when you're bored once in a while, though. It has its purpose, as it really can be fun just playing around, assuming you're okay with embarrassing yourself. It's relaxing, really, so I'm still glad I bought it (at $30).

edit: After playing the actual game again I'm in love with it, lol. Scratch the price issue, I wouldn't mind paying $50 for it . It's just hard as hell to make music, for so many reasons, like: 1 bad part spoils the whole band, you have to play the whole song over even if you messed up just once (assuming you want a good vid), AND you have to plan out how and when you hit the notes. It takes a ton of memory, planning and practice to make something different & pleasant from the songs they've given you. Every screw-up becomes really noticible (drums, for example - bad timing kills the song).