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ClaudeLv250 said:

hat's there to assume? We know it can sell software because it does. You're just cherry picking one or two titles, ignoring the situation and making asinine blanket statements. Tenchu didn't sell on the 360, DS or PS2. I therefore declare that these platforms can't sell 3rd party games. Why is it that these consoles have virtually no issues in every other contry for 3rd party sales? Clearly something is wrong with these platforms, since none of them could sell Tenchu.

Hey everybody I just pulled a stickball!

What about the other 12 3rd party titles that make up 13% of the market? That's not cherry picking, when your using a pretty wide-scoped test for 3rd party sales.

What about the fact that 13% of 3rd party software is worth playing? DS faced a similar situation with 3rd party support and trolls were saying the exact same thing. Let's ignore that a lot of DS 3rd party games weren't worth playing for over a year, and pretend that it's a problem with the hardware.

Correct me if I'm wrong, but even Wii shovelware that's 3rd party, in virtually EVERY other region, does far better....Why not Japan? Even crap on a great system does well, and the Wii/DS have proved (as market leaders) that shovelware can sell.

I never said you did make specific software comparisons, but it's a pretty silly move to try and compare the two generations based on hardware sales at the time when PS2 had a monopoly on 3rd party software. There was no problem with the software sales because all of the software was on PS2 and everyone had a PS2. The situation is hardly the same. What type of lies are you trying to weave? That generation wasn't that long ago, it's not like someone's going to stumble in here and forget that a lot of smash hits were released in 2003.

Then what kind of comparison can one draw then? It seems by your logic that Wii 3rd party sales being so bad can't be compared, because it may show the Wii to be a rather weak system in Japan, in terms of moving 3rd party games.

Maybe it is the fact that there is a dearth of core 3rd party titles. I agree they aren't there.

Maybe it's the fact that 7 million users don't buy 3rd party games (if that's the case, why are users everywhere else doing the exact opposite?)

At any rate, I'm trying to give sound reasoning based on previous trends using data. For everything your attacking me on, you've provided litterally no sales numbers. Not a single iota. Every single statement I've been making has been backed by actual sales numbers. If you want to play the game, why not use numbers? They don't lie.


Back from the dead, I'm afraid.