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Zucas said:

What about dominant player in the market didn't you get. Was it the not so confusing comparison to the PS2 or are you delusional. DS equals PS2 right now. And that's why software sales. There isn't enough room in the market for DS to equal PS2 and Wii to equal PS2. It's really that simple buddy. I'm not even going to waste my time giving the specifics because apparently that doesn't help you.

Yet the fact is....Neither system have equaled the software sales of the Playstation 2. Maybe the userbase is fragmented, but the Playstation 2 sold over 200,000,000 units of hardware. Both the DS+Wii have sold just over half of that, at 120,000,000.

And your just plain silly if you think that Ninty isn't being affected by the sales being down in Japan.  Games that Ninty has released this year with little to no hype that normally would sell off brand haven't.  Numerous DS and Wii games from Ninty themselves have done above average than what they would have done a year and a half ago.  YOu can check the sales number yourself to confirm that one.  Ninty is being hurt by it just like everyone else.

We have 10 weeks to go and hardware sales have a total of 55% the volume of 2008. However, software sales are at 65% of 2007's value. Maybe it's just me, but I don't think software sales have been as effected as your thinking they are. Which is interesting, since the last 10 weeks of 2007 sold over 20,000,000 units of software - which equals whatever software gap there has been currently. So I fail to see how Nintendo has been 'hurt' when the market has sold within 10% of what it did last year.



Back from the dead, I'm afraid.