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ClaudeLv250 said:

You're sounding like a broken record because you've been repeating this fanboy tripe every five days and it's starting to reek of desperation now.

Your first mistake was comparing the DS - a handheld starting its 4th year, that's overtaken the PS2 in numbers - to the Wii, which is still struggling to get decent 3rd party support, and has a 3rd of the install base to sell what little software its been getting. Anyone that frequents this site knows that such a comparison is completely asinine.

So we have to assume that a system that has a 7 million unit install base can't sell software? Why is it that the Wii has no issues in virtually every other country for 3rd party sales?

To top it off, you went through a complete fail manuever by using Tenchu (first day sales, no less) as an example. Tenchu hasn't been relevant in years. By using Tenchu, you basically set yourself up for disaster. Tenchu has left a trail of stinkers, including several on the PS2, one on the DS, and one on the 360. By scrutinizing the Wii you made your agenda pretty clear. You made no attempt to explain why Tenchu didn't sell on the PS2, didn't sell on the DS and didn't sell on the 360. You made a beeline for the Wii and pretended that Tenchu's history was irrelevant. And I can tell you right now, those games didn't perform that way because of a lack of numbers on the box.

That's fine then. What about the fact that 13% of total software sales are 3rd party? It's not like that's an invalid comparison, even if you take Tenchu out of the equasion.

And the PS2/Xbox/GC comparison was hilarious. Seriously, Gamecube and Xbox? They were almost completely ignored by 3rd parties. The PS2 had no problem because it had heavy 3rd party support right out of the gates. When the Wii gets swamped in Final Fantasy, Devil May Cry, and Dragon Quest games then we can start talking about 3rd party sales. But if your best material are Tenchu first day sales, you're grasping at straws, and making great headway at destroying what little credibility you had left. 

Did I make ANY specific software comparison between the PS2/XB/GC? No. Find a quote in this section, because I didn't. My comparison of the last-gen system was merely based on hardware trends: in 2003 hardware sales were down, but that didn't effect 3rd party sales. So why would that change now?



Back from the dead, I'm afraid.