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ChichiriMuyo said:
Dinomax said:
ChichiriMuyo said:
Yeah, he's pretty ignorant. He clearly doesn't understand, well, anything about economics. Nor the video game market, if he doesn't realize how much it changed when Sony came along.

I'm sorry I don't know fully about economics being I'v never taken a course or have a diploma or bachelors degree like yourself. Please explain to us all mighty educated one.  Unless your just putting up a front on a internet forum.

Yeah I sure didn't also notice how much the video game market changed, being mostly a SEGA console owner as well a regular at the local arcades.

You sure got me there.


The only degree you need to understand the basics of economics is one from a half decent high school.  Some things you should realize are that Sony's stock price and overall health is not so directly related to its console sales (it's a much bigger company than video games), their stock drops have nothing to do with how poorly their vg sector is doing (otherwise they'd have had this trouble a long time ago), Sony's PS3 sales haven't been slowed one bit by the economy's downturn (its other products have), and all companies are taking a hit to some degree even while doing very well (like Nintendo) because the economy goes beyond simple sell-through numbers and profit margins. Really, there's a lot more going on than "Oh, the PS3's sales suck so lol" and in truth that's virtually a non-factor at this point.

Also, you seem to have absolutely no understanding what competition does to a market.  When Sony rose to power and added a third competitor to the market dozens of virtually unknown companies suddenly became stars and most of the companies that came before them were still doing fine.  While the PS certainly took market share from its competition, its very existance allowed the market to grow at a significantly faster pace than it would have otherwise because they brought a whole new perspecitve to the video game business.  More competitors = cheaper prices and/or improved products.  Because Sony came in and threw around a lot of money, a lot of games got made that wouldn't have otherwise and the companies that didn't benefit directly worked harder so they could keep their own share of the pie.  Sony really opened up Europe in a way that Sega could not, it created opportunities for developers that never would have been accepted in to the business otherwise, and it even spurred MS into action to create further competition.  Because Sony is in video games more money is being spent to compete for your attention as a gamer (rather than a comercial watcher) than any time before the PS1's launch.


Funny, I mentioned three things you really need to fully understand economics. 

Anyone can get the basics.  Like when I say I know how a rocket gets into space (it goes whoosh)  doesn't mean I'v got it all down like NASA and start claiming people who know exactly the same amount as me not knowing about it. 


In fact the whole secound paragraph reminds me a lot of older Nintendo fan posts who's bitter tears would run down there cheeks as they say ""Well if it wasn't for the Nintendo, Sony would'nt have a market to start in!""

Yes the Video game market did change when Sony came in.  Whats the point this meant to be?  To have the cushion of nostalgic make everything ok?  Yes it did all that but its time to look at Sony now.  But time to take off the rosey glasses and see Sony now. 

There not a influential force in the video game industry anymore. 

Thats it. 

There in last place, losing BILLIONS of dollars, the end of the day there not going to make a scratch of profit Nintendo has now or even close during the rest of the PS3's console lifespan. 

I know its hard to accept that, but its being like this for well.  Entire last year and now.  If Sony leave now it wouldn't really affect the videogame market because there not the driving force anymore.  Nintendo is.   Third partys still have a place to develop for on the 360, PC or Wii so theres no real dead end if they left.  As well Microsoft clearly show there competiting by actually dropping prices MORE THAN SONY HAS.