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Are you even out of Act 1 yet?

Since you're only at 8% the answer is obvious a no, but I'm just pointing out that there is more to come and I've noticed some stuff on the map that makes me think there is more to the game than even I've seen thus far and I'm at around 28%. The trade in value will be the same in a week as it is today so you might as well stick it out and finish the game and/or try some online.

Consider it like this, if you keep the game for another 72 hours you will still be able to make the same decision at no penalty or cost for waiting. But if you trade it in you've given up that option and it now costs money to reverse it. In short if you're not sure yet then wait until you are sure or there is a reason to force a it is you have no pressure and plenty of time to make a why rush to judgment?

To Each Man, Responsibility